Friday, January 13, 2012

Tiger Cubs at OKC Zoo

The Oklahoma City Zoo has 4 new tiger cubs.  They were born July 9th, 2011, 3 females and 1 male.

This is Momma, her name is Suriya.  She is watching over her cubs. 

The cubs were behind a fence so it is in most of the pictures.  They look large but they are about the size of a German Shepherd dog. For a tiger that is still pretty small.

The male was named Leonidus.  The 3 females were named Leeloo, Lucy and Lola. 

It is rare for a tiger to have four cubs; most have two or three.  And it is very rare for all four cubs to survive.

There are only 250 left in the wild.  66 live in accredited zoos.  Now there are 71 in living in a zoo!!

They started getting soooo tired.

All tuckered out.

Until next time,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Snow Oh My Goodness

We had a light snow tonight, our first this winter.  Totally caught me by surprise.  I wore a  T-shirt, shorts and flipflops all day so I wasn't dressed for snow.  Good thing I stayed home all day. 

Crazy weather, warm one minute, snowing the next.

I should have a blog post in the next few days showing our new tiger cubs at the OKC zoo.  They are soooooo cute.